Top Family Summer Camps and Summer Family Programs for Kids & Teens in Arizona

Best Arizona Family Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Family Camps in Arizona!

Over 13 Arizona Family Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best Arizona Family Camps in 2025
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Winter Family Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in Arizona are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our Arizona Family Camps offer Winter Family Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Family Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Family Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Family Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best Arizona Year-Round
Family Camps, Classes & Family Programs

Many of our Best Arizona Summer Family Camps also offer Year Round Family Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Family Programs, too.

Best Arizona Winter Family Camp Jobs

Searching for Arizona Family Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Family Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL AZ Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Family Camps in the Southwest are here in Arizona.



Camp Lantern Creek
Montgomery, Texas

Ages: 7 - 17 . All Girl Campers. Overnight Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: While summer might look a little different this year, Camp Lantern Creek promises it will continue to bring the Creeker spirit to our campers and families this summer! CLC Unique, our virtual camp option, will begin on June 22, and will consist of week-long sessions that will offer one-of-a-kind programs unique to each session. Through our virtual programming, we will create memories with our new and seasoned Creekers, virtually.

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile


 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Lantern Creek


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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James 4-H Camp & Outdoor Learning Center
Mingus Mountain, Arizona

Visit Our James 4-H Camp & Outdoor Learning Center Website
Mingus Mountain, Arizona

James 4-H Camp
University of Arizona
PO Box 210036
1140 E. South Campus Drive
Tucson, AZ 85721-0036


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Math, Science, Technology, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Description Of Weekly Camp Programs Can Be Found On The Camp Website.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on Mingus Mountain between Prescott Valley and Jerome, AZ.

CAMP FACILITIES: The James 4-H Camp & Outdoor Learning Center holds camping programs April through October. The property includes a swimming and fishing lake, cabins for up to 100 participants, bathhouse, Rec Hall, Dining Hall, and baseball field. The entire property is surrounded by the Prescott National Forest.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Description of weekly camp programs can be found on the camp website.


FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Arizona 4-H Family Camp (May 2014)

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James 4H Camp and Outdoor Learning Center

There are 13 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Get the Best Price on a Professional Acoustic Guitar

Arizona Family Camps

Please note that our list of 2025 Arizona Family Camps also includes information on Arizona Family Camp Scholarships, Financial Aid, and other 'Campership' or Financial Assistance. Look within each camp's description for the CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE heading.

View ONLY Arizona Family Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top Arizona Family Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Family Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

IT Girl Summer Series
Online Camp

Visit Our IT Girl Summer Series Website

South Carolina
New York
North Carolina

P.O. Box 1786
Summerville, SC 29483


TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekends

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The ‘IT Girl’ Summer Series is a four week digital and hands on exposure learning camp for girls ages 8-16 to learn in-demand technology concepts. Additionally, our workshops and programs focus on discovering, pursuing, and succeeding in technology through the exposure of technical concepts. Students do not need to have any prior technical experience, and all materials will be provided. We ask all students at least have a strong desire to learn more about technology.

Computers, Technology, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Virtual, Online

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our Camp Website Link:


FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Our Camp Website Link:

Our Camp Website Link:

Tech Lead - curriculum instructors
Non-Tech Lead - tech lead assistant
Community Lead - brand ambassador
Logistics Lead - logistics, packing lead

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IT Girl Summer Series

There are 12 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Family Camps in AZ
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some Arizona Family Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Carrie Curran Art Studios Fine Art Program
Scottsdale, Arizona

Visit Our Carrie Curran Art Studios Fine Art Program Website
8300 N Hayden Road Suite A100
Scottsdale, Arizona 85258

CAMPER AGES: Ages 6-8, Ages 9-13 & TEENS


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Paint a landscape in acrylics, draw a favorite sport and capture the action! Discover your best side through self-portraits. Draw your favorite pet and create colorful still lifes. Students experience confidence and pride after these artistic accomplishments. Whatever their favorite subject and whether they are a beginner or an advanced art student, these weekly workshops are designed to meet the needs of all aspiring artists!

Fine Arts/Crafts, and more.

Carrie Curran Art Studios Fine Art Program is a Top Family Summer Camp located in Scottsdale Arizona offering many fun and educational Family and other activities, including: Fine Arts/Crafts and more. Carrie Curran Art Studios Fine Art Program is a top Family Camp for ages: Ages 6-8, Ages 9-13 & TEENS.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on Hayden and Royal Palm Road in the Mercado Del Lago center (one block N of Via De Ventura) Please visit our website for camp photos and information: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: All art supplies are included and children work on large acrylic paintings on easels. The children enjoy the abundance of materials, supplies, and plenty of help from art teachers and art assistants.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Students will explore their creative side and develop improved artistic skills as they are guided through multiple projects using a variety of mediums by our skilled artists/instructors. Each session offers new inspiration and projects. Students gain greater knowledge, skills and art techniques during our Summer Fine Art Program by using acrylic painting, watercolors, drawing and mixed media. For more details & to see the schedule and enroll your child today, please visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Day on Saturdays once a month! Children and parents paint together! Check our calendar for class dates at Our Camp Website Link:!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: AFTER SCHOOL ART! Tuesdays & Wednesdays! Sessions run throughout the school year! Check our website for more information and session dates!

SESSION 1: May 28-31*
SESSION 2: June 3-6
SESSION 3: June 10-13
SESSION 4: June 17-20
SESSION 5: June 24-27
SESSION 6: July 1-3**
SESSION 7: July 8-11
SESSION 8: July 15-18
SESSION 9: July 22-25
SESSION 10: July 29-August 1

*Session 1: Tuesday-Friday due to Memorial Day
** Session 6: 3-days, Monday-Wednesday $225

TEEN SESSIONS are also available. View our website for dates & details.

Sessions run throughout the entire school year! Classes are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Visit our website for class times.

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Carrie Curran Art Studios Fine Art Program

There are 11 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Beginners Edge Sports Training Sports Camps
Scottsdale, Arizona

Visit Our Beginners Edge Sports Training Sports Camps Website
7000 E Shea Blvd
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254

No OFF-Season, we hold camps all year

Watch Our Beginners Edge Sports Training Sports Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: potty-trained through 12 years

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekdays, Daily: 9am-4pm (extended care available)

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Get ready for some FUN! We will be LEARNING & PLAYING the following sports: soccer, softball, basketball, football, volleyball, dodge ball, golf, tennis, kickball, track & field and badminton! There’s more! Relay races, capture the flag, newcomb, scooter hockey, scooter soccer, frisbee, 4-square, 2-square, bump out, sprout ball and many more playground games & activities! Don’t forget our bounce house, obstacle courses and scrimmaging! Wow! Keep your kids active all year with our seasonal camp offerings! Your kids deserve the B.E.S.T.!

Basketball, Football, Baseball, Weightloss, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball, Martial Arts, Team Sports, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Located in the heart of Scottsdale Arizona. Cross streets are Scottsdale Rd & Shea Blvd. Other Valley Camp locations available. Please visit our website for more information

CAMP FACILITIES: Our 4000 sq ft facility is air-conditioned, safe and clean and open only to your campers! Our main gym is where we play our sports and our party room is where we do crafts and have catered lunches and snacks which are included.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Coach Mitch, (CEO) and his wife have owned B.E.S.T. for 12 years and is proudly AZ family-owned and operated. Sports activities are an integral part of every child’s physical and social development and we believe it is very important for kids to enjoy and learn HOW to play these sports in an encouraging and empowering environment. Let your kids excel to become their B.E.S.T! Why choose us, you ask? Because Your Kids Deserve the B.E.S.T!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT programs available. See our website: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: For scholarships or financial assistance, please contact "Angels For Athletes AZ" at: Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Sports Classes available Valley-wide for kids 18 months thru 10 years.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Sport-specific & multi-sport weekly Classes available Valley-wide for kids 18 months thru 10 years. Mini-Camps, Enrichment Programs, Award-Winning Birthday Parties, After School Programs available.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall Camps available.

Sibling discounts available, multiple camp discounts available.
VIsit Our Camp Website Link: for all camp locations and dates.

Print (or view) Camp Profile for:
Beginners Edge Sports Training Sports Camps

There are 10 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Lantern Creek


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

American Baseball Camps
Arizona Location(s)

Visit Our American Baseball Camps Website
Multiple Locations in
Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and Arizona

Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arizona

Watch Our American Baseball Camps Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday/Wednesday 9am-1pm & Tuesday/Thursday 9am-Noon

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: American Baseball Camps will be the highlight of your child's summer! We use games like slip n' slide wiffle ball, baseball pitching dunk tanks, and home run derby to create America's most fun baseball camp!

American Baseball Camps offer fun baseball camps in Tulsa, Broken Arrow, OKC, Tahlequah, Dallas, Wichita, and KC. We believe that encouragement and fun will make kids perform their best and have the most fun playing baseball! But don't miss the sign up date! Spaces always fill up fast for this camp, and kids have so much fun at American Baseball Camps, they can't wait to come back! Free T-shirt and snack included!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: American Baseball Camps include a staffed CPR certified Special Education Major that can help cater to the needs of any child alongside the help and encouragement of the rest of the staff.

Baseball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp locations are on our website at: Our Camp Website Link: & will include multiple camps in Tulsa, OKC, Dallas, KC, Wilmington, Phoenix, & Wichita; as well as single camps in BA & Tahlequah.

CAMP FACILITIES: American Baseball Camps are at different locations and include slip n' slide wiffle ball & baseball dunk tanks.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: American Baseball Camps mission is to have as much fun playing the game as possible! We love the game of baseball and we love to encourage and help young kids become better at the sport, and have more fun playing the game of baseball.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: For possible group rates email: americanbaseballcamps[AT]

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Families are encouraged to stay and watch camp if they'd like, or simply drop their child off. Also Dad's of players that would like to stay and help the camp games run are welcomed to do so.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Campers should dress in swimsuits and will receive a free American Baseball Camp tee shirt upon arrival.

For complete info, visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Tulsa Baseball Camps: July 10th & 11th, July 17th & 18th, July 24th & 25th, July 31st & Aug 1st.
OKC Baseball Camps: June 19th & 20th, June 12th & 13th, July 26th & 27th.
Broken Arrow Baseball Camp: July 6th & 7th
Tahlequah Baseball Camp: July 8th & 9th

Wichita Baseball Camps: June 12th & 13th, June 26th & 27th, August 2nd & 3rd.
KC Baseball Camps: June 14th & 15th, June 28th & 29th.
Dallas Baseball Camps: June 21st & 22nd, July 19th & 20th.

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American Baseball Camps

There are 9 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Willow Springs Program Center
Prescott, Arizona

Visit Our Willow Springs Program Center Website

775 N Camp Willow Springs Road
Prescott, Arizona 86305

Watch Our Willow Springs Program Center Video

CAMPER AGES: 5 - 17 years old

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekends

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Team Sports, Computers, Science, Technology, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Aviation
Martial Arts
Wilderness Survival

CAMP LOCATION: Willow Springs Program Center is a 190-acre camp at an elevation of 6,000 feet almost completely surrounded by Prescott National Forest. The camp is located two hours northwest of Phoenix, AZ and three hours south of the Grand Canyon.

Camp Blog at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: The camp facilities include 20 modern cabins, 2 dormitory style buildings, fire-pits, flushing toilets, dining hall, covered program ramadas and several miles of scenic hiking trails.

Program facilities include: archery range, low and high challenge course, outdoor stage and seating for up to 200, ceramics studio, dance studio, fiber arts library, nature education resources, outdoor cooking learning lab and coming soon...videography lab.

Camp counselors are housed in nearby cabins within each unit.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Directors recruit and screen mature, qualified staff who have a desire to share their enthusiasm for camping, the outdoors, and arts. We also hire staff from other countries to give your camper the chance to broaden her understanding of other cultures. All camp staff participate in an intensive pre-camp training which includes program, first aid, CPR, camping, human relations skills and drug-testing.
Specially qualified staffers direct the archery, challenge course, ceramics, drama, dance and trip programs.

Most of the camp staff are college students studying education, sociology and outdoor recreation – among many others. All staff must be 18 or older.

All camp staff participates in an intensive pre-camp training this includes:
Program development
First aid and CPR
Outdoor skills, including Leave No Trace
Human relations skills
Child development

Willow Springs Program Center is accredited by the American Camping Association Inc.

Counselor In Training I
9th-12th grades
Two week session
Want to work at camp someday? Come join the fun! You’ll learn about leadership, teamwork, child development, and more as you help in units and program areas. Visitother camps in northern Arizona, and start working with younger girls. *CITs at Willow Springs will be sleeping in the Yurts in the Pima Unit.

Counselor In Training II
11-12th grades
Three week session
If you have completed CIT 1 then you may be ready for CIT 2. Depending on your interests and strengths, you will choose a specific area to focus, and further your leadership, teamwork, and teaching skills within that area. Learn how to develop and deliver program and complete a service project.
Prerequisite: CIT 1 and entering 10th-12th grade


Scholarships (camperships)
Financial Assistance – Camperships
GSACPC makes every effort to provide financial assistance so that no girl misses out on the opportunity to attend camp due to lack of funds. Financial assistance ranges from a portion of the fee to the total camp fee, minus the deposit, for those demonstrating need.
The campership request form is available online.
Camp registration must be complete prior to applying for financial assistance. Notification regarding financial assistance will be sent via a separate email from the confirmation packet. Please allow six weeks for processing. Available at: Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp Programs include:
Me and My Gal ~ Daisy, Brownie Overnight
K-3rd grades- 2 Day
You and your favorite adult female are about to embark on an overnight adventure of staying up late, learning new songs and games and discovering the outdoor adventure playground at Willow Springs.

Leader Daughter Weekend
K—12th grades & Adult Volunteers
“Girl Scouts Together”
3 Day
Are you interested in learning more about Girl Scouting and spending time in the cool pines of Willow Springs? You and your daughter can sign up for the Leadership Weekend where you will be able to enjoy Girl Scout volunteer trainings while your daughter(s) will spend time with Willow Springs Camp staff and camp program.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We host Girl Scout groups throughout the year (any day of the week) through "Adventures at Willow" as well as offer one weekend program per month AND a Fall Break and Spring Break camp.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Our Camp Website Link:

Current sessions for Summer Camp 2014 can be found online at: Our Camp Website Link:

Residential Camp
Week 1 = June 3-6
Week 2 = June 8-13
Week 3 = June 15-20
Week 4 = June 22-27
Week 5 = July 6-11
Week 6 = July 13-18
Week 7 = July 20-25
Week 8 = July 27-30

Day Camp
Week 2 =June 9-13
Week 4 = June 23-27

Summer Camp Staff
Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Positions available include:
Health Supevisor - *preferred RN or LPN
Assistant Camp Director
Program Director
Camp Store Coordinator
Instructors - Music, Arts and Crafts, Ceramics, Archery,
Outdoor Education, Dance, Drama, Videography, Martial Arts, Astronomy, Outdoor Skills, Backpacking and Fiber Arts
Unit Leaders
Unit Counselors

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Willow Springs Program Center

There are 8 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Summer Art Camp
Online Camp Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Visit Our Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Summer Art Camp Website

118 North Broad Street
Youth and Family Programs
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106


TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Mon-Fri: 9am - 3pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Every day, campers engage in live, interactive art making with their instructors and friends on the video platform Zoom. We also use Canvas for sharing daily schedules, online artwork and discussions between campers and instructors. And as always, every camp week will culminate with a virtual exhibition and opening reception for family and friends live streamed on Zoom.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Center City, Philadelphia, PA. one block from historic City Hall.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: - Live Zooming and friendship-making time (prescheduled so your family can plan ahead!)
- Off-screen activities for independent play and learning (and naps! and yard time!)
- Hands-on activities with real art materials (art camp should be a little messy!)
- Small group sizes ensure that campers receive high quality instruction and individual attention from their teachers.
- Daily movement and mindfulness exercises integrated throughout the day to get the wiggles out

Camp tuition includes an Art Toolbox mailed to your home and a live exhibition every Friday that the whole family can attend, even those living far away.

Camp Staff:
Katerina Romanenko, Ph.D. Assistant Director of Youth and Family Programs

An experienced educator and visual culture historian, Dr. Romanenko specializes in Museum education, art history, American History, and object-based learning in formal and informal environments. She holds a PhD in Art History from the City University of New York and for more than 15 years teaches art history and works in Museum education. She also holds a BA in Education Sciences and has experience in research, development and implementation of educational programs for different age groups.

Alicia Mino, Art Educator, Manager of the School and Community Programs

An accomplished practicing artists and art educator, Alicia Mino received her Master’s in visual communication from the Metropolitan University of Chile, She spent fifteen years in Italy studying art history, oil painting, and sculpture. She presented in numerous art exhibitions and founded the Mates Art and Design Studio, where she taught drawing, oil/acrylic painting, and sculpture fundamentals for ten years. In 2008 Alicia moved to Philadelphia where she continues to exhibit her work and teaches art.

Lindsey Murphy, Art Educator and K-8 Program Coordinator

An art educator with over a decade of experience in the field of education, Lindsey Murphy has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology; concentration in Archaeology from Millersville University, and an Elementary Teaching Certification from Millersville University. She worked as a general education classroom teacher in the Oxford Area School District in Chester County, PA for 8 years, and has worked in PAFA’s education department over the past 11 years creating and implementing numerous museum tours and art making experiences for children and families of all backgrounds, becoming the K-8 Program Coordinator in 2019..

Melissa Hendrixson, Art Educator

Melissa Hendrixson is an artist and art educator who has worked in Museum Education for over five years. She has her Bachelor's of Fine Arts and Studio Certificate from Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and has gained experience through assisting the coordination and development of various museum programming including family programs, youth art classes, and summer camps. She now works for the School and Community Partnership Program as an art educator where she develops and implements museum tours, school lessons, and community outreach programs to support student learning, parental engagement and visual literacy initiatives.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: It is our sincere desire that no child be denied the opportunity to attend camp because of financial difficulties. Thanks to our generous donors, PAFA is able to offer a limited number of scholarships.

Please email artcamp[AT] to receive a scholarship application


YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: PAFA offers a year round programs, online and in person for youth and families that engage parents and children with the museum collection and art-making. Our programs inculde art classes for middle school students, afterschool program for kids 6-11, and Sunday Family workshops. please visit Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, comic books and graphic novels, collage and mixed media, and video arts.

June 21 - August 13, 8 weeks

Ages: 6-14 (groups: 6-8; 9-11; 12-14)

Mon-Fri from 9am - 3pm each day (except July 5rd).

For camps description, cost and schedule go to the registration website. Our Camp Website Link:

Camp Assistants and Camp Instructors.
Please visit for current job announcements and apply via 
Our Camp Website Link:

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Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Summer Art Camp

There are 7 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Wet Feet Ocean Camp
Tucson, Arizona

Visit Our Wet Feet Ocean Camp Website
4560 E Broadway, Suite 220
Tucson, Arizona 85711

4560 E Broadway, Suite 220
Tucson, AZ  85711


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Wet Feet Ocean Camp is in Rocky Point, Mexico on the Sea of Cortez at the CEDO Intercultural Field Station. Children 9-12 will have the experience of a lifetime wading, swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, hiking, digging on the beach, cooking, singing, playing, meeting new people, interacting with Spanish speakers, learning new facts, thinking about the future, painting, creating, eating, running, and learning something new every day - every hour!

Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Science, Adventure, Travel, and more. Exploring The Marine Biology Of The Upper Gulf Of California Through Field Studies & Hands-on Activities.
Other Activities Include Snorkeling, Kayaking, Hiking, Crafts & Cooking.


Our Camp takes place at the CEDO Field Station in Puerto Penasco, Mexico, located in a safely guarded gated residential community of Las Conchas just outside of town.

The Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans (CEDO) field station in Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco), Sonora, Mexico, is an easy, half-day drive from Phoenix or Tucson.

CAMP FACILITIES: CEDO's field station is located in the Las Conchas housing development, the “Jewel of Sonora”. CEDO’s campus sits atop one of the highest dunes east of the town center of Rocky Point, and is outlined by an elegant sinuous wall and entry gate. The main edifice is constructed in the Spanish architectural style with an open patio courtyard and a wrap around balcony overlooking the Sea of Cortez. There is a boys' room and a girls' room on the balcony level, where the children sleep in their own sleeping bag on sleeping pads provided by CEDO. The facilities have ample bathrooms, a large kitchen and a laboratory.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summer has an adventure in store for you: an adventure in marine biology! CEDO’s Wet Feet Ocean Camp is an overnight summer camp for youth ages 9-12. For five days and four nights children will explore the Upper Gulf of California intertidal zone and surrounding Sonoran Desert. Accommodations will be provided at the CEDO field station in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico. The cost is $515, with an optional (additional) $100 island cruise to Isla San Jorge. We ask you to make a $100 reservation deposit as soon as possible for each child attending the camp.

Campers will explore the marine biology of the Upper Gulf of California through both field study and hands-on activities. Uncovering brittle stars, nudibranchs, and octopi in the intertidal zone; dancing for shrimp in the estuary; discovering the secrets of different marine organisms that live in this biologically rich area — these are only a few of the activities in which the campers will participate.

Counselors with experience in marine biology and desert ecology, and trained in First Aid and CPR, will staff the camp. All food and beverages (including purified water) will be provided for campers on site. Campers will have the opportunity to visit downtown Rocky Point (Puerto Peñasco) and should bring some spending money, but will spend the majority of their time in the field, or at CEDO.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family members may join the island cruise for an additional cost per person. On the last day of camp, family members are invited to see the campers' presentations, followed by lunch (at an additional nominal cost per family member).

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: A casual visitor to CEDO may enjoy a self-guided tour of our botanical garden, take a close up look at our 55 foot fin whale skeleton, browse the books and treasures in our gift shop and more.

CEDO also offers unique opportunities to explore the sea and desert through our NaturArte ecotours. Go for a hike in North America’s largest "sea of sand", kayak the tidal channels of Morua Estuary, or explore the diverse marine life found in the tidepools of the Northern Gulf of California.

Check our events calendar for dates and times, as well as additional activities. All tours begin and end at CEDO’s field station in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora. Reservations can be made by phone at (520) 320-5473 in the U.S. or 011-526-38-382-0113, or 0115, in Mexico, or by email at info[AT]

CEDO’s NaturArte program is an award winning conservation project designed to strengthen ties between tourists, local communities and ecosystems, while raising intercultural and environmental awareness. A portion (10%) of the proceeds goes directly to CEDO’s Estero Conservation Fund. The rest supports CEDO’s other conservation projects.

OTHER CAMP INFO: This year’s theme will be: "Giving the Ocean a Chance to Recover," and it will be held from June 28 to July 2, 2018.

Let’s get our feet wet!

To register, please fill out the Wet Feet Ocean Camp 2018 (open, print, fill out, and mail in). If you would like to reserve your space today, you can fill out our online fillable form (scroll down this page). You will need to pay the $100 Reservation Fee in order to secure your registration. You can also send the registration form to our info[AT] email or mail it to CEDO Inc. PO Box 44208 Tucson, AZ 85733. If you have any additional questions feel free to contact us by email or by phone at 520-320-5473.

General Information

CEDO’s Wet Feet Ocean Camp is a summer camp for youth both from the US and Mexico, is an intercultural camp. The age range this year is younger than past years and is for kids 9 to 12 years old – for exceptions please contact Paloma[AT]

Time of year June 28 to July 2, 2018
Base cost $515 (per child)
Reservation fee $100 (deducted from base cost)
Occupancy 20 maximum
Registration deadline May 15
Transportation to Mexico Not included
*The reservation fee is required to ensure your spot in the camp, if is not pay, your place may be given by other people.

What will my child be doing at Wet Feet Ocean Camp?

Some common activities include: Wading, swimming, snorkeling, boating, hiking, digging on the beach, cooking, singing, playing, meeting new people, interacting with Spanish speakers, learning new facts, thinking about the future, creating, eating, running, learning something new, and much more!

Don’t worry, English-only speakers will be comfortable interacting in this intercultural camp, our bilingual counselors will facilitate the process.

Camp is scheduled for June 28 - July 2, 2018. The cost is $515, with an optional (additional) $100 island cruise to Isla San Jorge. Parents and siblings may join the island cruise for an additional $100 per person. We ask you to make a $100 reservation deposit as soon as possible for each child attending the camp. For more information, please go to our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

Print (or view) Camp Profile for:
Wet Feet Ocean Camp

There are 6 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Lantern Creek


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

High Flyin' Arts Camp and Move It! Dance Camp
Tucson, AZ

Visit Our High Flyin' Arts Camp and Move It! Dance Camp Website
738 North 5th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85705

Watch Our High Flyin' Arts Camp and Move It! Dance Camp Video

CAMPER AGES: 7-15 years - High Flying Camp, 9-15 years - Move It! Dance Camp

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday through Friday 9am-3pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: ZUZI! High Flying Arts Camps are literature based art camps, allowing students to explore the performing arts of music, aerial dance and creative movement as well as theater, writing, drama, visual arts and costume design. Classes will use a classic children’s story as a jumping off point for crafting choreography, creating costumes and sets, making works of art and exploring music. These camps will culminate in an integrative performance for parents and friends. Campers bring their own lunch, snack, and water bottle.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: All of our camps can accomodate any special needs. ZUZI! is committed to catalyzing personal expression and healing for people of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities. We provide opportunities and resources for everyone to discover and confidently navigate their creative paths.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more.

High Flyin  Arts Camp and Move It! Dance Camp is a Top Family Summer Camp located in Tucson Arizona offering many fun and educational Family and other activities, including: Musical Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance and more. High Flyin  Arts Camp and Move It! Dance Camp is a top Family Camp for ages: 7-15 years - High Flying Camp, 9-15 years - Move It! Dance Camp.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in Tucson, AZ in the Historic Y off of 4th Avenue, a vibrant arts area close to the University of Arizona.

CAMP FACILITIES: ZUZI! High Flyin' Arts Camps and Move It! Dance Camp are located in our 135-seat theater and our intimate West dance studio.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: High Flyin’ Arts Camp 2 two-week sessions: This literature based art camp allows students to explore the performing arts of music, aerial dance and creative movement as well as theater, writing, drama, visual arts and costume design. Classes will use a classic children’s story as a jumping off point for crafting choreography, creating costumes and sets, making works of art and exploring music. This camp will culminate in an integrative performance for parents and friends. Campers bring their own lunch, snack and water bottle. Classes: Aerial Dance Creative Movement Costume Design Music/Drama/Theater Visual Arts Poetry Kitemaking

Move It! Dance Camp 1-one week session: This is an intensive camp for the serious dance student. All experience levels are welcome. Campers will focus on exploring different dance and movement forms. Campers bring their own lunch, snack and water bottle. Classes: Modern Dance Ballet Aerial Dance Yoga Choreoraphy For more information, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: ZUZI! offers scholarships to those in need. Please contact the ZUZI! office for more information.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): The High Flyin' Arts camp culminates in an integrative performance for parents and friends in the ZUZI! Theater. Family and Friends are invited to a sharing in the ZUZI! Theater at the end of the one week DanceIt, MoveIt! Dance camp.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: ZUZI! Dance offers classes and workshops to both the newcomer and the experienced dancer. ZUZI! offers classes in ballet, aerial, modern, contemporary, Skinner Releasing, creative movement, improvisational dance, flamenco, hooping, choreography, and community performance workshops. ZUZI! also hosts a diverse array of guest artists who teach classes such as Flamenco, African Dance, Theatrical Mime and more. These classes provide students with opportunities to discover their own personal expression in movement and share their experiences in an optional performance for family and friends. Pleae visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information

OTHER CAMP INFO: Move It! Dance Camp is a fun and creative dance-based camp that explores the dance arts of aerial, modern, choreography, and creative movement. It is an intensive camp for the serious dance student. All experience levels are welcome. Campers will focus on exploring different dance and movement forms. Campers bring their own lunch, snack, and water bottle.

For more information, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

High Flyin Arts Camp (2-week sessions) May 29 - June 8 & July 2-13 ($450.00 each). Move It! Dance Camp (1-week session) June 18-22 ($250.00).

For more information, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

Looking for teachers of Dance, Creative Writing, Visual Arts, Theater, Costume Design, Puppetry, Kite Making, etc. Please contact Nanette at zuzisphere[AT] or call 520-629-0237. More info at Our Camp Website Link:

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High Flyin Arts Camp and Move It Dance Camp

There are 5 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Ken Chertow Wrestling
Arizona Location(s)

Visit Our Ken Chertow Wrestling Website
1450 S Atherton St
State College, Pennsylvania 16801

Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Arizona, Utah, California, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, Texas

PO Box 120
Boalsburg, PA 16827

Watch Our Ken Chertow Wrestling Video

CAMPER AGES: All ages and skill levels

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. We will condcut camp in Allentown, PA July 27-August 8

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Wrestling, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Please visit the website for complete information on ALL locations.

Pennsylvania: The Ramada Inn Convention Center is centrally located in State College, PA. It is just 15 minutes from I-80 and easily accessible from the Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Harrisburg areas.

CAMP FACILITIES: Please visit the website for complete information on ALL locations.

Pennsylvania: We train, eat, and sleep all at the Ramada Inn Convention Center Hotel. It provides an ideal learning experience and air conditioned wrestling area.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: USA Olympian - Ken Chertow

•3x Academic All American
•3x NCAA All American
•2x Junior National Champion and OW
•2x Junior World Champion
•Olympic Festival Champion
•Midlands Champion & OW
Owner and Coach of the Gold Medal Training Camp system for 20+ years. Our campers have won 500+ State Championships in the last decade.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: GROUP DISCOUNTS: We offer substantial group discounts and enable coaches and group leaders to attend camp at no charge. We allow all the wrestlers in the community to combine for the group total.See below for details.

FUNDRAISING: Raise funds for camp with Reaching Our Goal. It’s quick, easy, and profitable, with no risk to you. Click here for more information!

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Father/Son Camp Options

Parents, you are welcome to attend either the Kids Training Camp or the Future Champions Camp with your son. This is a unique opportunity to learn and bond together in a world class wrestling environment that also stresses fun, fitness, and fundamentals. We encourage you to attend sessions, take notes, video tape the instructional presentations, and/or assist your son. We offer a variety of housing and meal options to meet the needs and budget of your family. We look forward to providing you and your child with a memorable learning experience.

Visit Our Camp Website Link: for camp options, pricing and more info!

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Ken Chertow Wrestling

There are 4 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Summer Art and Architecture Camps at Taliesin West
Scottsdale, Arizona

Visit Our Summer Art and Architecture Camps at Taliesin West Website
Office Phone  - 480-627-5360 
12621 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd
Scottsdale, Arizona 85259

Watch Our Summer Art and Architecture Camps at Taliesin West Video

CAMPER AGES: 7-18 Years Old

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Camp Sessions, 9am - 3pm. Half Day Camp Sessions available, as well.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): No Religious or Group Affiliations Required.  

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Combining creativity with academic relevance, the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation’s innovative Summer Art and Architecture Camps give students the opportunity to think and work outside the box. Located at Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright’s winter home and desert laboratory, the Summer Art and Architecture Camps will encourage students to explore, create, and design in the significant setting. Students will see how their unique ideas can have a true impact on the world around them, as they engage in the fun and educational activities.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, and more. Architecture Activities & Camps

CAMP LOCATION: Taliesin West is a National Historic Landmark nestled in the desert foothills of the McDowell Mountains in Scottsdale, AZ. It is also the home of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and the School of Architecture at Taliesin.

CAMP FACILITIES: Dinning Hall, Classroom, and Theater.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation’s innovative Summer Art and Architecture Camps give students the opportunity to think and work outside the box. Located at Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright’s winter home and desert laboratory, the Summer Art and Architecture Camps will encourage students to explore, create, and design in the significant setting. Students will see how their unique ideas can have a true impact on the world around them, as they engage in the fun and educational activities.

Full and half-day camps are offered to students in grades 2-12 throughout the summer, but the Foundation offers year-round education opportunities and field trips to the National Historic Landmark.

Are newest camp to our program is called Designing for Mars! In this Cam participants will study the planet Mars while they collaboratively tackle some of the same challenges confronting scientists in their effort to travel and live on Mars. Other Camps include Wright for the Future, Architectural Discovery, Design Your Dream Space, and Photographing Wright!


CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: A limited number of scholarships are available for qualifying individuals. Please follow this link for more information on available scholarships for summer camps. Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): No Family Camps at this Time

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation offers year-round education opportunities and field trips to this National Historic Landmark.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Lunch will be provided for camps that run from 9am - 3pm.

Parents/legal guardians must fill out a liability form for each attending camper.

Please see website on further questions about Camp Guidelines


Architectural Discovery

While in the Architectural Discovery camp, younger students will explore various aspects of architecture and learn about some of Frank Lloyd Wright’s most famous architectural concepts. Architecture-based activities and projects will promote the students’ creativity and imagination, while explaining the different patterns in nature and how the patterns influence architecture. Students will also get the opportunity to make an abstract art piece inspired by Wright’s stained glass. (Limited to 20 students)



JULY 16-20, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.

Design Your Dream Space

Students become junior architects as they use art, math, science, and language to create innovative spaces. This immersive program takes students through the steps of architectural creation – from concept to execution – of a fully detailed three-dimensional model of their own compact dream space. Dealing with the needs and desires of clients, environmental and sustainability concerns, and questions about color and style are part of the daily life of an architect. Students will discover how careful consideration each of these elements contribute to a great design. (Limited to 20 students)



SESSION 1: JUNE 4-8, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.

SESSION 2: JUNE 25-29, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.

SESSION 3: JULY 30-AUGUST 3, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M

Photographing Wright

The landmark architecture of Taliesin West is the backdrop for a weeklong photographic journey. Local Arizona photographer Andrew Pielage will guide students in capturing the Sonoran Desert and National Historic Landmark around them. Students learn the tools needed to best utilize a camera including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, while applying creative approaches to composition, image framing, and the challenges of light and shadow. (Limited to 10 students) Students must provide their own fully manual camera and corresponding USB cable. It is highly encouraged that students provide their own laptop for editing photographs.



SESSION 1: JUNE 25-29, 9 A.M. – 12 P.M.

SESSION 2: JULY 30-AUGUST 3, 9 A.M. – 12 P.M

Wright for the Future

Students explore how to respond to real world challenges such as global warming, pollution, new trends in energy and communication technologies, advancements in construction methods, and new modes of transportation in this project-based camp. As the student’s research exciting, newly constructed concept buildings and cutting-edge architects, they’ll work in teams to develop thoughtful plans for cities of the future. (Limited to 20 students)

GRADES 6 – 9


SESSION 1: JUNE 11-15, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.

SESSION 2: JULY 9-13, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.

Designing for Mars


Camp participants will study the planet Mars while they collaboratively tackle some of the same challenges confronting scientists in their effort to travel and live on Mars. Students will learn about Wright’s futuristic concept of Broadacre City, as they investigate how to create a new community that meets their needs for food, water, power, and shelter. At the end of the project week, the students use their 2D plans to create a 3D model their new colony on Mars.



SESSION 1: JUNE 18-22, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.

SESSION 2: JULY 23-27, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.

Please See Website to Register for Camp Sessions

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Summer Art and Architecture Camps at Taliesin West

There are 3 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

Scottsdale, Arizona

Visit Our Sportball Website
Locations Valley-Wide
13802 N Scottsdale Rd. Ste. 115
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254

PO Box 3293
Scottsdale, AZ, 85271

Watch Our Sportball Video

CAMPER AGES: 3-12 years old


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Sportball offers a variety of camps ranging from sport specific to seeing multiple sports in hour-long or half day camps! Offering camps all over the valley, you can find the perfect camp for your child. All equipment is provided. Bring water and a snack with your child for our half-time break.


Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Weightloss, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Team Sports, and more. Floor Hockey, Volleyball, Dodgeball, Adapted Play, Flag Football, Ninja Training

CAMP LOCATION: At INDOOR Locations and Community Centers Valley Wide.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our Scottsdale Gym is a great indoor space to get away from the Phoenix heat. Complete with a basketball hoop, volleyball net, soccer and hockey goals, kids will be running and playing non-stop while learning fundamental sport skills to create life lasting independent success as they continue sports.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Encouraging healthy active living. By applying our methodology… Sportball helps children to develop socially as well as physically, through a curriculum designed to reinforce self confidence free from the pressure of competition. In our programs, children from 16 months to 12 years of age, are provided with a skills driven, high energy and fun filled curriculum.

Sportball Multi-Sport programs introduce children to the fundamental concepts and skills behind eight popular ball sports: baseball, football, basketball, volleyball, hockey, soccer, tennis and golf. Using creative instruction and positive encouragement, our programs focus on the development of gross motor skills, along with balance, strength, coordination, stamina and timing. The equipment that we use is age appropriate and sized just right for the children in our programs.

Sportball offers weekly classes that are run seasonally, as well as camps and clinics during school holidays. Birthday parties and special events can be arranged to fit into your schedule. We offer Sportball programs right in the community in churches, community centers, schools, daycares, private clubs, parks and other green spaces.

Our Coaches are Sportball certified… and stand out for their training, enthusiasm and ability to connect with the children in their programs. Each member of the coaching team has been carefully screened, selected and trained. Many of our coaches have a background in Early Childhood Education, Sports Administration, Occupational Therapy or Kinesiology. They are certified only after completing intensive training in the Sportball methodology and successfully passing our rigorous Mentorship Program. The passion our coaches share for working with children helps to create an environment that is all about skills and fun! Sportball coaches are also certified in First Aid and CPR and have cleared vulnerable sector and criminal police record.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contact us if interested in a free trial class: 480-275-7419.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Sportball Kids Multi-Sport Sportball Junior – ages 16 – 24 month Parent & Child – ages 2 & up Me & My Dad – ages 2 & up Parents and caregivers participate in our weekly class to help influence your pre-schooler’s social and physical development through an introduction to our multi-sport program. Coaches focus on gross motor development with games and skills introduced in a fun, creative and nurturing environment. Sportball Kids programs introduce children to non-competitive activities, skill progression & parent assisted skill practice. The 45 minute class each week is just the right amount of time for the little ones to develop new found confidence and improved balance and coordination.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Sportball classes are ran year-round at different schools, parks, and churches around the valley. Visit our website to find a class and a location near you at Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Sportball began in 1995 as the dream of Mark and Carmella Gelgor, who wanted to reinforce children’s natural love of physical activity and provide them with an understanding of the fundamentals of different sports. The Sportball curriculum combines the best developmentally appropriate coaching methods with our educationally based methodology, to meet the needs of children and foster an active and healthy lifestyle. The result is a highly successful sports instruction program that is popular with kids and parents alike.

Over the years Sportball has provided thousands of children with an introduction to a range of sports and social skills, along with a newfound confidence to help succeed on and off the field. At Sportball, we believe we can make a difference … a difference in the lives of children and young professionals. We have long subscribed to the quote attributed to Forest Witcraft which reads:

“One hundred years from now, it will not matter the car I drove or the house I lived in… but the difference I made in the life of a child”.
Sportball began with just 3 children and a single location and now has several hundred corporate and franchise locations in North America. Sportball began franchising in 2005 and our franchise owners are now running successful businesses in Canada, the United States and now in Singapore. Sportball is a member of the Canadian Franchise Association (CFA) and the International Franchise Association (IFA).

Sportball is holding week long camps in our eight core sports (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Tennis, Golf, Volleyball, and Soccer). They are being held in the following cities:

Check-out what camps are running where at Our Camp Website Link:

Sportball is always searching to find exceptional and talented people who share our passion for sports, working with children, and promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

Please contact Phoenix[AT]

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There are 2 Top Arizona Family Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Lantern Creek


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The Performers Institute
Phoenix, Arizona

Visit Our The Performers Institute Website
(602) 358-8458
2261 W Desert Cove Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 85029

2261 W Desert Cove Ave Phoenix, AZ 85029



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We are holding 8 1-week summer camps with a performance for friends and family on the Friday (last day) of that week. Each week's camp will devote time to a particular well known band and genre of music.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We are currently working with some local organizations to work have camps for special needs campers and autistic campers. Details should be available soon.

Dance, Music/Band, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on a couple of avenues from Rt. 17 off the Peoria Ave exit on the east side of the 17. We are on a side street with minimal traffic and there is plenty of parking.

CAMP FACILITIES: We are currently occupying around 15,000 sq. ft. of space. We have 3 smaller instruction rooms, a small rehearsal/drum instruction room, 2 larger rehearsal rooms/classrooms, a very large main stage performance room/rehearsal room, a lunch room for all the campers, two large rest rooms and a dressing/green room.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We are going to teach the art of learning and mapping out songs. This will include the various genres or music over our 8 1-week music camps. We will teach each camper how to be a band leader, stage performance, communication on the bandstand, how to rehearse and ultimately, how to perform. We have some of the most distinguished musical talent on our advisory board who are responsible for outlining a successful music program for our young campers.

Besides teaching music and music related subjects, we are committed to teaching the business of music so that our young and talented campers will someday be able to follow their dream and passion of being a performing artist and sustain a living at doing so, much like our founder, Joe Costello.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: At this point, we are too new to offer any sort of scholarships or financial aid but we are looking into the programs.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): At this point, we are not offering any family camps during the summer but we are looking into a family program on Saturday mornings like a drum circle type event.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer year-round music instruction, band coaching, music business expertise, mentoring programs, workshops, clinics, seminars, rehearsal space & online music courses.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Our camp offers an 8AM drop off and a 6PM pickup for those parents needing time to get to work and get back to the camp after work. There will be a small fee associated with this extra accommodation.

The first camp starts on May 31st - it is our Beatles Camp and our last camp ends on July 29th.

Each weekly camp cost $500

There will be $25 a day early drop-off/late pickup fee (optional)

For complete info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

We are looking for high school seniors who are fairly advanced on their instrument and/or voice, that would be interested in being camp counselors. This will be a minimum wage paid position. 

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The Performers Institute

AZ Family Camp Parents & Campers

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Looking for Other Top Specialty Camps in Arizona? Here's a few links to other directories of AZ Special Interest Camps, or you can find links to ALL our Special Interest Camp Directories in the black bar at the bottom of this page.

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There is 1 Top Arizona Family Camp Below

Arizona Girl Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Arizona
119 East Coronado Road
Phoenix, AZ, 85004-1512

Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus Pines
Willow Springs Program Center

Prescott, Arizona

Shadow Rim Ranch
Payson, Arizona

Camp Maripai
Prescott, Arizona

Day Camp on the Road
Throughout Arizona


Please visit our website for more info.

Arizona Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Arizona
Grand Canyon Council
Council Service Center - Phoenix
2969 North Greenfield Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016

For more info visit the website.


ARIZONA FAMILY CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Arizona Summer Family Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.

ARIZONA FAMILY CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER FAMILY CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 Arizona Summer Family Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.


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Updated: May 24, 2018

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